Ok, I know I have not posted new iClone content in ages. Big thanks to the contributors who have donated content here, while I work my butt off to pay 'ma bills! :) THANKS (Wil, Cindy, Sean)!
But now I have to tell you, I just got Reallusion's new 2d animation program,
CRAZYTALK ANIMATOR. All I can say is WOW!!!! I have wanted to create 2d animation for so long now. But as always, it's a matter of time, money, and the difficulty some of us have with learning complicated programs. I've played around with programs like Toon Boom, Anime Studio Pro, and I liked them. But it was way too time consuming and expensive. Enter, CrazyTalk Animator. Hats off to my friends at Reallusion for enhancing CrazyTalk the way they have, in CRAZYTALK ANIMATOR. Within minutes of playing around in the VERY user friendly interface, I was able to crank out two animated shorts (Special shout out and thanks to John Martin!). Now I am not turning my back on iClone at all! But I can see that CRAZYTALK ANIMATOR is definitely my latest pleasure. I've just launched a new channel on
YOUTUBE, called "TheToonGoons", where I, along with my writing partner, Nick Santa Maria, plan to showcase all of our CT Animator short films. There are two up at the moment. I'm sure they'll get better as I learn more. But please check it out, and while you're there,
Till Next Time, .. "Keep Cloning, and, ... um, ... CrazyTalking" ! ... Pauly