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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Meet Massimo, and his VERY Cool Experiments in iClone

So sorry for the long delay in posting anything new here. Been a really busy Summer so far. Bear with me for more FREE iClone stuff coming very soon. But I wanted to introduce you all to an iClone artist in Italy, named, Massimo. Massimo is a forty one year old Perugia resident, who simply loves iClone. Many people double audio of famous films. He doubles the actual visuals by re-creating them in iClone, and then adding the original soundtrack. He has done so with his iClone versions of "Cliff Hanger (which had me at the end of my seat)", "Dr. Strangelove (Very funny scene)", and more. He also experiments with moving props, accessories and has achieved really nice results with layering. Plus, he recreates famous art pieces in iClone as well. You've got to CHECK OUT HIS iCLONE MOVIES HERE . Really nice work, Massimo! It's always nice to see iClone users taking chances and remaining passionate about the possibilities.

Till Next Time, ... "Keep Cloning" ...... Pauly