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Monday, April 30, 2007

Gaming Site Using iClone Newscasters

Binary Picture Show is an amazing site for gamers, created by Leo Lucien - Bay, otherwise known as Dr. Nemesis. It's a must see site for any gamer today, with a forum, downloads, latest news and more. Dr. Nemesis has recently added a blog site to the main site called Gnews. How does this relate to iClone? Well, rather than just read the news from the page, the major stories are presented by "iClone created" news readers.
And they're very cool
iClone characters too, like the lovely Lady Mainframe. I had a chance to talk to the good doctor and asked him to explain the connection between iClone & his site(s) ......

Doctor Nemesis: The two things the video reports need are lively facial animation, and the ability to create the videos relatively quickly.
iClone, (with the help of Crazytalk) is the easiest way to do that, as they make it possible to easily tweak the facial, or character animation
to suit what's being said. The show was first made using the Quake 2 engine, which was an achievement but it didn't give the control or speed needed to get reports out in a timely fashion. We hope that in the near future we'll be able to make more use of the other things that
iClone offers, such as the 3D sets and possibly particle effects to make the iClone segments of the videos more eye catching.

Please go and check out Dr. Nemesis' great sites at & his GNEWS blog site found HERE.

Till Next Time, ..... "Keep Cloning (and gaming!)" ....... Pauly